HERD Clinic Day 1 with Yvonne and Kim Barteau from KYB Dressage

What a wonderful day in the Foothills of NC!  Day one of a two-day clinic being taught by renowned FEI Trainer & USDF Gold/Silver/Bronze Yvonne and Kim Barteau!  A big thank you to Trayce Doubek–Dierks and Eric Dierks, owners of  Renovatio Farms for donating their beautiful facility for this event as well as all the sponsors that made this possible.

Three of our HERD babies were brought in by trailer for Yvonne Barteau to assess.  Amelia, Stuart and Bob were excellent on their first off property adventure.  We are so proud of all the work our volunteers have done to bring these youngsters from scared, malnourished horses from a  kill pen to  what they are today, brave, happy horses ready for adoption.  You can learn more about these three at www.herdrescue.org


Renovatio Farms,  1820 John Shehan Road  Tryon, NC  (703) 297-2329R

Renovatio Farms,  1820 John Shehan Road  Tryon, NC  (703) 297-2329




Tuning up for the hunt clinic

Tuning up for the hunt clinic



Tuning up for the hunt

Tuning up for the hunt

HERD President Stuart Evans and board member/event cooridnator Sue Truitt

HERD President Stuart Evans and board member/event cooridnator Sue Truitt



Yvonne giving instructions

Yvonne giving instructions

Yvonne Barteau

Yvonne Barteau

Kim Barteau giving instructions

Kim Barteau giving instructions

Volunteers running the check-in desk

Volunteers running the check-in desk

Kim with the whole group...talking about horses of course.  Very informative conversation on horse personality and behavior.

Kim with the whole group...talking about horses of course.  Very informative conversation on horse personality and behavior.

HERD volunteer/trainer Rick Millweard with one of our rescue two year olds named Amelia.  She was super during her assesment and Yvonne gave her a gold star!

HERD volunteer/trainer Rick Millweard with one of our rescue two year olds named Amelia.  She was super during her assesment and Yvonne gave her a gold star!

Yvonne and Rick

Yvonne and Rick

Volunteer and trainer Karen bringing baby Stuart in for Yvonne to assess.

Volunteer and trainer Karen bringing baby Stuart in for Yvonne to assess.

Yvonne hands on with Stuart

Yvonne hands on with Stuart

Baby Bob with Volunteer/Trainer Debra in for assessment. 

Baby Bob with Volunteer/Trainer Debra in for assessment. 

Yvonne assessing Great Scott!

Yvonne assessing Great Scott!


Renown KYB Dressage with USDF Gold Medalist Yvonne Barteau Visits Tryon Holding Clinics to Benefit HERD Rescue Sponsored by Edge Brewing Barcelona


Press Inquiry: Heather Freeman (202) 441-3607


Event Coordinator: Sue Truitt (864) 270-4894


Click here to register


Renown KYB Dressage with USDF Gold Medalist Yvonne Barteau Visits Tryon Holding Clinics to Benefit HERD Rescue Sponsored by Edge Brewing Barcelona

Rider positioning, preparing for the trails & hunt, ground control and freestyle dressage are a sampling to be explored at this fundraising weekend equestrian gathering.  

 Photos available: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qfsk8rwabvde60s/AADYZWKyVdGf6BnmuparB8_va?dl=0


Tryon, NC (September 29, 2017) – Thanks to Edge Brewing Barcelona, a rare opportunity awaits equestrians in the foothills of the Carolina’s as 501c3 nonprofit, Helping Equines Regain Dignity (HERD) www.herdrescue.org is pleased to announce two days of clinics on Friday, October 27th and Saturday, October 28th with KYB Dressage’s renowned trainers Yvonne Barteau and Kim Barteau, https://www.kybdressage.com/.  Collectively they have trained over a dozen horses to the Grand Prix level in dressage including the most winning horse in USDF history, GP Raymeister, along with the most winning Young Rider in USDF history, Kassie Barteau. In total, the dynamic team have brought over 60 horses to the FEI level of competition and qualified two horses for FEI Young Horse World Championships. The clinics will take place at Renovatio Farm, 1820 John Shehan Road, Tryon, NC, 28782, http://www.renovatiofarm.com. The Barteau are graciously donating their expertise so the proceeds raised will support local horse rescue HERD, which saves horses in danger of shipping to slaughter across US borders and rehabilitates them with care and training to be adopted into new careers. Clinic registration must be completed by October 20, 2017. To register for the clinic, please visit www.herdrescue.org and click on clinic tab.


Edge Brewing Barcelona is providing the funds to bring KYB Dressage to Tryon for the film festival which allows them to be able to donate their time to conduct the clinics.  Each of the clinics will feature up to three riding participants per session. Topics with multiple sessions include the following: Rider Position & Awareness, Tuning up for the Hunt & Trail, Equine Personality, English & Western Dressage Freestyle, Ground Control Basics and Rescue Horse Assessment.  Each clinic is priced at $100 per rider including lunch, while observers/auditors can come watch all day for $20 person, or $30 per person a day with lunch, with no maximum capacity. Over the two-day event, young horses that are within HERD Rescue will be evaluated by Yvonne Barteau for their perfect career, to help facilitate training and a future adoption during her Rescue Horse Assessment classes.  This is a rare opportunity for both horse and rider to learn from trainers who have coached horses and riders that have won over 100 USDF Regional titles and over 200 USDF Horse of the Year and All-Breeds Awards.  Limited day and overnight stabling is available.


Kim Barteau is particularly talented with training horses at liberty and teaching riders and horses to understand soft and nuanced aids and to develop solid foundations upon which FEI work is built while Yvonne Barteau is an accomplished dressage competitor, having earned her USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze medals as well as her Gold, Silver and Bronze freestyle bars.  Her creativity flows into choreographing some of the best musical freestyles in this country, authoring books, including the award winning, Ride the Right Horse and the Dressage Horse Manifesto. She also authors original scripts for equine productions that the KYB Team has performed to packed audiences all over the country. Kim and Yvonne offer clinics around the world to help others become better trainers, riders and competitors and the KYB Dressage dynamic duo is also recognized for their film successes.


Edge Brewing Barcelona & Their Sponsorship of HERD & The Tryon International Film Festival


Edge Brewing Barcelona was founded in 2013 by co-owners Scott Vanover and Tryon area resident Christian Oliver who wanted to bring American craft beer to the European market.   In 2014, Edge Brewing Barcelona was voted top new brewer in the world, and that success enabled them to start a philanthropic arm of their company named Edge Brewing Equestrian.  All profits from Edge Brewing Equestrian’s line of beers will be donated to an equine based charity, and this year local horse rescue group HERD, Helping Equines Regain Dignity, was selected as their beneficiary.  


Kim Oliver is delighted that Edge Brewing Barcelona is bringing increased awareness to HERD through their sponsorship of the Tryon International Film Festival taking place October 27th to the 29th https://filmfreeway.com/festival/TRIFF17.  This sponsorship will enable KYB Dressage trainers, performers and horses to come to Tryon during this year’s festival, during which their movie, 'Into the Spotlight: The Journey of an Equine Theater Horse' 2017 will be shown at the Opening Night Gala on Friday, October 27, 2017.


While visiting the Tryon area to support their movie, the KYB Dressage team has generously offered their expertise to teach clinics and perform and are donating their usual fees to help local horse rescue organization HERD.  Edge Brewing Barcelona is proud to support organizations like TRIFF, HERD and KYB Dressage who share in their commitment to raise awareness about the plight of unwanted horses, highlighting rescue, retraining and repurposing efforts. To learn more about Edge Brewing Barcelona, please visit http://edgebrewing.com/.




Rick Millweard, What a great partnership could look like

HERD has been blessed to have Rick Millweard helping and advising with all the equines we have saved and brought to our local foster program.  He is an excellent trainer for horses and people that are having difficulties in communicating with one another.  His methods are Parelli based and his years of experience working with the youngsters to that older horse that just won't load into a trailer without drama, has made him instrumental in guiding these scared animals HERD rescues into wonderful partners for their new adopted families.


Hurricane Harvey and equine rescue

Our new HERD volunteer Andrew, is down in Texas helping his friend Jennifer who is with 3 Amigos Equine Rescue Project assisting with the flood rescue. They have been filling up the Lone Star Expo Center and authorities believe 25 percent of the horses saved will go unclaimed. Please help! Spread the word, share our posts, these equines need homes!https://www.facebook.com/pg/3amigosequinerescue/about/?ref=page_internal

Also check out Hurricane Harvey Horse Help at https://www.facebook.com/groups/112785646064727/?fref=gs&hc_location=group


Update on Miss Edge with her adopted family!

Adopted Equine: Miss Edge (Rea)
Show Name: The Edge of Reason
The first month we let her settle in and get used to our farm. She was groomed daily and played with every day too.
The second month we were still waiting for our ring to be finished so we worked on ground manners and on loading into the trailer. She also got used to clippers and wearing boots.
The third month our ring was finally completed so we started our riding program, which included lunging, walk, trot, and canter
During our time with “The Edge of Reason” (Miss Edge), she has settled well, made new friends, been ridden and got her teeth floated. She is a wonderful addition to our family and we wouldn’t want it any other way.
We will be putting shoes on her, and will start trail riding her in the near future.
I feel so lucky to have been able to adopt her and be apart of Herd.
Thank you,
Catie Costa


HERD Needs hay and Edge Brewing Rescue delivers!!! We still need to stock up on alot more, so donations of good horse hay is very much appreciated!

A huge thank you to Edge Brewing Horse Rescue and Kim Oliver Christian Oliver for the big donation of hay for the babies! If my ciphering is correct along with the hay they donated we loaded and stacked 450 bales in total in just shy of three hours with the threat of thunderstorms moving our way. 

Sue Truitt takes in little Saria

Sue Truitt posts: "These guys have a big heart in helping these rescues get a new start in life....shown delivering the filly (Saria) to Mane Gate. Scott Homstead and Rick Millweard, along with Heather Freeman, Stuart Evans and other wonderful angels came together to form HERD (Helping Equines Regain Dignity). Thank you HERD for all you do in saving these precious animals and giving them new life and purpose!!"

Sue Truitt teaches animal management.  She has offered to foster little Saria and her students will be working on socialization and training.  This was one scared little filly after being rescued from the kill buyer.

Amazon.com makes a donation to a rescue horse every time you shop!

Have you all heard about Amazon Smile? You can have Amazon.com donate their money from a percentage of your total shopping purchase to your favorite charitable organization! We hope that you will do this to help support the costs we are incurring for feed, vet bills and various other horse rescue upkeep. We are a totally 100% volunteer 501c3 so all of the money donated goes to our equine friends. We need your help and Amazon is making it simple! For detailed instructions on how to set up your Amazon account to donate to "Helping Equines Regain Dignity" Click on the link below. Thank you!!! 

HERD Rescue is now a public charity!

Please spread the word and share our exciting news. HERD is now qualified to receive tax deductible bequests. This gives us the opportunity to continue our equine rescue efforts and offer supporters a tax deduction on their financial gifts and in-kind donations to help us. We are so thrilled and hope you will be too. Please support HERD Rescue this holiday season. Contributions should be made payable to HERD and mailed to P. O. Box 43, Tryon,NC 28782 or make a donation right here on this website via paypal or credit card.   A tax exemption letter will be sent to each contributor.

Debra taming the new baby Bob

Debra has been donating a lot of time to taming the little colt Bob and also working with Red October, the mother, who has some serious trust issues. Debra has RO picking up her feet to be picked and also letting her rub her head now. This video is about 2.5 minutes with some photos and video footage of Debra teaching Bob that having a rope around his neck isn't so bad. Debra is so patient and gentle and each session shows great progress!!!